Fat Loss Strategies: How to Set Yourself Up for Success

fat loss strategies

When it comes to fat loss strategies, we usually want to start conservatively. Not only in terms of how aggressive you are with the caloric deficit, but also the complexity of what you are doing for training and nutrition.

Everyone is different, and each person needs their own individual plan. It is important to remember this, and find the most suitable approach. An obese person who does not workout, and a regular gym-goer who counts calories, will have very …

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Fat Loss Mistakes: Avoid This to Crush Your Physique Goals

One of the most common fat loss mistakes is to be aggressive with caloric restriction in the very beginning. This is because many think that fat loss is faster in the beginning. When in reality, this is mostly weight loss, which is different from fat loss. In the start of a program, we tend to lose a lot of weight from water, bloat and the emptying of our glycogen stores.

We are going to go into more detail on …

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Nutrition Strategies: 5 Tips to Help You Progress

Nutrition Strategies

When speaking of nutrition strategies, low carb and high carb diets have been getting most of the attention. With higher carb diets gaining more and more popularity recently. Protein on the other hand, has generally been spread equally throughout the day without too much change.

In today’s article we are taking a step further, and explaining why you should drastically change and design your nutrition program as your training and lifestyle changes.

Simply creating a nutrition plan based on the …

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Junk Volume: How You’re Wasting Your Time in the Gym

wasting time gym lazy

Training volume is a pop topic in our world of fitness. Regardless whether we train for muscle building or fat loss, volume always plays an important role. However, volume is not truly a simple calculation of (sets x reps x weight), which often is said. We are going to cover this in more detail, but our main focus is junk volume.

In brief, junk volume is all training that does not contribute to our goal of the workout.

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Bad Exercises: What They Are and Why You Should Avoid Them

bad exercises

Bodybuilding has been around for quite some time now, but we have to be honest and say that the science and innovation has been lacking. Recently, many of us have been starting to dig and seek the truth about exercises and nutrition. While some exercises are inefficient, others are inherently bad exercises.

In this article we are going to distinguish the difference between inefficient and bad exercises. Moreover, educate you so you can make the best decision on which exercises …

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Following Your Macros: Helpful Strategies

following your macros

If you have ever tried to follow your macros and diet plan, you know how difficult it can be to be 100% accurate. Especially if you want to eat something besides chicken, rice, broccoli and eggs.

Most of us have families, like to eat out every now and then, and simply do not have the desire to live like a caveman to “hit our macros.” While at the same time wanting to be healthy and achieve our fitness goals. This …

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Caffeine and Exercise: 4 Vital Things You Should Know About

caffeine and exercise

Do you love coffee? Do you love to exercise? If so, you’re in luck! This article will discuss the benefits of caffeine and exercise.

Better Endurance

It’s proven that caffeine will help you handle more intense exercises. Go to the gym with an insulated mug with you and take a few sips before your session. You’ll notice, during training, that you can better withstand the pain and better endure the session.

It is, therefore, an excellent performance-enhancing drug

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Getting Results Is More Important Than Being Consistent

Getting Results

Many people tend to think that being consistent is the most important factor in achieving your fitness goals. This goes for most goals in life, such as money and happiness, not only fitness. Consistency is obviously very important, but it does not really matter if you are not getting results. Simply being consistent just to be consistent is not always going to get you the results you want.

Therefore, telling clients or yourself to just be consistent is definitely not …

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Strength Training: Why It Can Benefit Anyone

strength training

Whether you are passionate about neurological (strength) training, or simply want to change it up, it is great for you. Not only is it easy to measure progress in neurological training, but there are many health benefits to it as well.

Of course, everyone loves hypertrophy training and fat loss. Unfortunately many enjoy this not for their health benefits, rather to look a certain way in society. Because it is a fad to be lean and fit. You …

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Gynecomastia: Most Common Causes and How to Treat It


Gynecomastia is a condition that causes a man’s breasts to swell. It is also called ‘man boobs’ although this term is considered very offensive to many men, especially those who suffer from the condition.

There are many potential causes of gynecomastia, some relating to diet, and others to lifestyle choices. If you have been suffering from the condition and would like to figure out what’s causing it and how you can make it stop, then you’re in the right …

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